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Paints set for your model kit - 30zł

A set of paints selected colors for the model kit.

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If you order now, we ship on Tuesday 04.03.2025

30,00 zł

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Paints set for your model kit - 30zł

paints:Brush Paints Airbrush Paints

Rodzaj farb:Akrylowe wodorozcieńczalne (bezwonne) Emalie olejne Farby akrylowe na bazie alkoholu (Tamiya, Mr.Hobby) Farby celulozowe (tylko do aerografu)

The lowest price of the product 30,00 zł in day 04.03.2025

Lowest price in the last 30 days

Brush Paints
Akrylowe wodorozcieńczalne (bezwonne)

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The set consist of paints that, in our opinion, will be best suited to the finish of a given model.

As part of the PLN 30 budget, we will choose colors from acrylic paints from companies such as Tamiya, Pactra, Vallejo, Hataka or others.

For example, the kit may include:

  • 6 Hataka 10ml paints,
  • or 6 Pactra 10ml paints,
  • or 3 Vallejo 17ml paints,
  • or 4 Hataka paints and one Vallejo paints,
  • or 4 Tamiya 10ml paints.

If you already have any paint colors, write in the comment to the order so that we do not duplicate them. By default, we will choose paints from acrylic paints, but if you would like to get oil enamels such as Humbrol, Revell or Tamiya Enamel instead, let us know. If you have an airbrush, it will also be a valuable remark, then we will try to choose paints that will be better for application with an airbrush - for example, Vallejo Model Air or Mr. Hobby.

We will choose the colors starting from the most necessary ones for a given model. There may be times when you need to use more paint than your budget to make a more accurate model.

Choosing this set you rely on our subjective decision :)


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Fajna opcja ale mam problem, w komentarzu napisałem że mam farbe czarną i gunmetal a i tak dostałem te kolory...

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    Paints set for your model kit - 30zł

    Paints set for your model kit - 30zł

    A set of paints selected colors for the model kit.

    Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez firmę Agtom Sp. z o.o. ul. Mogilska 97, 31-545 Kraków, NIP: 6783154951, REGON: 36170647600000, KRS: 0000561845 moich danych osobowych w celach związanych z korzystaniem ze Sklepu internetowego w zgodzie i według zasad określonych w Polityce prywatności. *

    Product safety

    Manufacturer Agtom Sp. z o.o. Mogilska 97 31-545 Kraków Poland 12-3565678

    Responsible person Agtom Sp. z o.o. Mogilska 97 31-545 Kraków Poland 12-3565678

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